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I believe women should feel


and comfortable.

in control

Dr Roni Ratner

Roni is a specialist Gynaecologist and an Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeon – minimally invasive surgery. She believes in providing her patients the opportunity to make informed decision about their own health and is committed to empowering women through their healthcare. To complement her technical and clinical expertise, Roni also provides a caring and supportive environment through active listening and genuine interest and empathy for her patients.

Roni is a leader in her field, is an endometriosis excision specialist and is one of only a few gynaecologists who perform single incision surgery.

Roni has a public appointment at Monash Health in the Gynaecology department and is the first female surgeon appointed to the Gynaecological Endoscopy Unit at Monash. She consults and operates privately at the Epworth Freemasons and Cabrini Hospitals.


Contact Us for a Consultation

P: (03) 9964 0978

Care. Empowerment. You.

Consulting at:

Armadale Women's Health
17 Kooyong Road
Armadale VIC 3143

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